
Serving Bullitt, Jefferson, and Oldham counties in Kentucky and Clark, Floyd, and Harrison counties in Southern Indiana.

 IRS.gov’s ‘Where’s My Refund?’ tool is fastest, easiest way to check on tax refunds

The Internal Revenue Service is reminding taxpayers today that the best way to check on their tax refund is by using the “Where’s My Refund?” tool at IRS.gov or through the IRS2Go Mobile App.

While the majority of tax refunds are issued within 21 days, some may take longer. Just as each tax return is unique and individual, so is each taxpayer's refund. There are a few things taxpayers should keep in mind if they are waiting on their refund but hear or see on social media that other taxpayers have already received theirs.

There are several reasons a tax refund may take longer:

  • Some tax returns require additional review.
  • The return may include errors or be incomplete.
  • The return could be affected by identity theft or fraud.
  • The return includes a claim for the Earned Income Tax Credit or Additional Child Tax Credit.
  • The time between the IRS issuing the refund and the bank posting it to an account since many banks do not process payments on weekends or holidays.

The IRS will contact taxpayers by mail if more information is needed to process a return. 

Fast and easy refund updates

Taxpayers can use “Where’s My Refund?” to start checking on the status of their return within 24 hours after the IRS acknowledges receipt of an electronically filed return or four weeks after the taxpayer mails a paper return. The tool’s tracker displays progress through three phases: (1) Return Received; (2) Refund Approved; and (3) Refund Sent. To use it a taxpayer must enter their Social security number or ITIN, their filing status and the exact whole dollar amount of their refund. The IRS updates “Where’s My Refund?” once a day, usually overnight, so there’s no need to check more frequently.

Ignore refund myths

Some taxpayers mistakenly believe they can expedite their refund by ordering a tax transcript, calling the IRS or calling their tax preparer. Ordering a tax transcript will not help a taxpayer get their refund faster or find out when they’ll get their refund. The information available on “Where’s My Refund?” is the same information available to IRS telephone assistors.

Filing electronically and using direct deposit is the fastest and safest way to file an accurate return and receive a tax refund. Almost all tax returns are now filed electronically, with most refunds issued through direct deposit.


Editor’s Note:

  • AARP Foundation Tax-Aide has free tax preparation assistance across the country.  Look under the “Sites” tab for local as well as sites in all 50 states.


Tax-Aide offices are open February 1 - April 15.  Tax-Aide does not have copies of your return – see below for further information.

For assistance in the interim, please contact your local IRS or State Department of Revenue office.

Taxpayer Advocate Service operates independently of all other IRS Offices and reports directly to Congress. It protects taxpayers’ rights and ensures that all taxpayers are treated fairly, and that they know and understand their rights under the IRS’s Taxpayer Bill of Rights.  For additional information, go to taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov or contact the Louisville office at 502-912-5050 or 877-777-4778.

Where’s my KY Refund?

If several weeks have passed since you filed your KY return and you haven't received your refund, you can check about the status in any of three ways:


(502) 564-1600 (Automated Line)

(502) 564-4581 (Live Representative)

You will need you Social Security number and the exact amount of the refund.

Copies of Prior Year Returns

Back copies of previously-filed tax returns and all attachments, including Forms W-2, can be requested by filing Form 4506, Request for Copy of Tax Return.  Alternatively, transcripts showing most line items on these returns can be ordered on-line, by calling 1-800-908-9946 or by using Form 4506T-EZ, Short Form Request for Individual Tax Return Transcript  or Form 4506-T, Request for Transcript of Tax Return

Like To Volunteer?

To learn more about volunteering with the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide, check out the rest of the web site and then register at aarpfoundation.org/taxaidevolunteer. Most volunteers are involved for only the 10-12 week tax season each year – a great short-term commitment!


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